End of May 2011

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Today I thinned our raspberries. I noticed some strange substance on the canes. It looked like spit bubbles (I can't think of a better way to describe it). I am not sure what is causing it. Here's a blurry close-up of one cane with.

We have strawberries forming on our plants! I can't wait for fresh strawberries.

Here's our asparagus box. The asparagus ferns are getting tall and appear to be going to seed.

Our sweet peas are climbing the trellis. Our radish plants are doing well too! We transplanted some peppers in the front of this box.

Here's a closeup of the peas.

And a closeup of the radishes.

Here are more pepper plants and our determinate tomatoes. We also planted some beans in this box.

Here's a closeup of the tomatoes.

Here's our cucumbers, peppers, and what's left of our spinach.

Finally here are our indeterminate tomatoes and herbs. We have cilantro, basil, oregano, and thyme. We also have transplanted zucchini and eggplant into this box.


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